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Walk & Talk

Walk and talk therapy is a unique approach and offering, in the Southend area, that involves you and I taking a walk on a carefully selected and safe route instead of sitting in the traditional therapy room.
You may have tried face to face therapy and found it didn't work for you?
It's not uncommon to struggle with finding the right words to say in therapy, and walking side by side without the pressure of making eye contact can be helpful for some individuals.

Being amongst nature and the elements can help you to feel more comfortable and open to discussing difficult thoughts and feelings.
This type of therapy offers you a chance to slow down and notice what’s going on right now around you and within you.

Many of us spend a lot of time in our heads, and feel disconnected from our bodies as a result. Walking and talking helps connect what’s going on in your brain with moving your body. Tuning in to the mind-body connection can help you recognise and feel your feelings which is a crucial part of emotional regulation and good mental health.

The sessions are 50 minutes and will cost £55 per session.

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